Tüm resmi tatiller ve kutlamalar dünyanın
Eswatini, bu gün sizin ulusal gününüz! EDIT bu özel günde her şeyin gönlünüzce olmasını diler.

linkAlmanya : resmi tatiller, bankaların kapalı olduğu günler, okul tatilleri

Almanya : resmi tatillerin, banka ve borsaların kapalı olduğu günlerin, okul tatillerinin, ticaret fuarlarının, kültürel ve spor etkinliklerinin, bayramların, karnavalların, seçimlerin tam programı

  • Para birimi : Euro (EUR)
  • Borsaların kapalı olduğu günlerin listesi (European Banks, TARGET): Yıl başı, mübarek cuma, Paskalya pazartesisi, 1 mayıs, Noel.
  • Hafta sonu: cumartesi ve pazar
  • bU ÜLKENIN DILLERINDE TERCÜME ETMEK IÇIN: almanca (5 ülkede, 90 milyon kişi tarafından konuşuluyor), türkçe ve türeleri (90 milyon kişi tarafından konuşuluyor), frison (0,3 milyon kişi tarafından konuşuluyor) ...
    Edit' le irtibat kurun !
  • TarihiAdıTürDaha
    Pazartesi 1 nisan, 2024Paskalya pazartesisiKatolik veya protestan
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    Pazartesi 1 nisan, 20241 NisanKartpostal/Çiçekle
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    Çarşamba 10 nisan, 2024Ramazanın son günü (en yakın gün ile değişilik gösterebilir)Kartpostal/Çiçekle
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    Perşembe 25 nisan, 2024Ağaç Dikme BayramıÖzel Etkinlikler
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    Pazartesi 29 nisan, 2024Yahudi FısıhrKartpostal/Çiçekle
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    Çarşamba 1 mayıs, 2024İşçi bayramıLaik tatil
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    Perşembe 9 mayıs, 2024Babalar günüKartpostal/Çiçekle
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    Perşembe 9 mayıs, 2024YükselişKatolik veya protestan
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    Pazar 12 mayıs, 2024Anneler günüKartpostal/Çiçekle
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    Pazartesi 20 mayıs, 2024Pazartesi PentikostuKatolik veya protestan
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    Perşembe 30 mayıs, 2024Bölgesel tatilKatolik veya protestan
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    Perşembe 30 mayıs, 2024Corpus Christi (tıklayın)Kartpostal/Çiçekle
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    Pazar 9 haziran, 2024European electionsOlağanüstü etkinlikler
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    Perşembe 15 ağustos, 2024Varsayım günü (ilgili kantonları görmek için tıklayın)Kartpostal/Çiçekle
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    Pazartesi 16 eylül, 2024Hazret'in yıl dönümü - Eid-Milad Nnabi (bir g)Kartpostal/Çiçekle
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    Perşembe 3 ekim, 2024Roş AşanarKartpostal/Çiçekle
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    Perşembe 3 ekim, 2024Alman Birlik GünüMilli bayram
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    Pazar 6 ekim, 2024Thanksgiving (Şükran Günü)Özel Etkinlikler
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    Pazar 13 ekim, 2024Yom Kipur (bankalar kapalıdır)Kartpostal/Çiçekle
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    Pazar 27 ekim, 2024Gün Işığından Faydalanma Saat DeğişimiOlağanüstü etkinlikler
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    Perşembe 31 ekim, 2024Ekim tatil günü (Halloween)Kartpostal/Çiçekle
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    Paskalya pazartesisi

    Pazartesi 1 nisan, 2024
    Katolik veya protestan : 325 yılında, Paskalya'nın günü belirtilmiştir. Dolunayı, Hicri sisteme göre, 14cü gün olarak belirtiliyor. Paskalya bayramın günü yapılan dini takvime, ve ayın yaşına göre beli oluyor. Avec la convention d'un équinoxe fixé ne varietur au 21 mars, des algorithmes purent être élaborés pour assigner à Pâques de n'importe quelle année une date a priori différente de celle que vous calculeriez si vous cherchiez quel dimanche suit la Pleine L İki dolunayın arasında, 29 gün, 12 saat ve 44 dakikalık bir zaman geçiyor. Yılın takvimini belirtiyor.

    1 Nisan

    Pazartesi 1 nisan, 2024
    Kartpostal/Çiçekle : As the story goes, in 1564, France was one of the first nations to make January 1 officially New Year's Day, instead of the last week of March which was previously observed. In 1582, the Pope followed suit. Those who went on celebrating April 1st were mocked. As the zodiacal sign was the fish, The French placed dead fish on the backs of one another. Traditions vary from country to country.

    Ramazanın son günü (en yakın gün ile değişilik gösterebilir)

    Çarşamba 10 nisan, 2024
    Kartpostal/Çiçekle : The month of Ramadan is that in which was revealed the Quran; a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month, and whosoever of you is sick or on a journey, a number of other days. Allah desires for you ease; He desires not hardship for you; and that you should complete the period, and that you should magnify Allah for having guided you, and that perhaps you may be thankful [Wikipedia]

    Ağaç Dikme Bayramı

    Perşembe 25 nisan, 2024
    Kültür :

    Yahudi Fısıhr

    Pazartesi 29 nisan, 2024
    Kartpostal/Çiçekle : Deliverance of the Jewish people from Egypt. The Seder service on the first two evenings recounts the story of the Exodus

    İşçi bayramı

    Çarşamba 1 mayıs, 2024
    Laik tatil : Chicago, Saturday May 1st, 1886: 350,000 workers go on strike to call for an 8-hour working day. Industries are paralyzed nationwide. On Monday, as demonstrations go on, the police open fire. On Tuesday, Chicago is again on strike. Following a bomb launched against them, the police shoot again. 12 dead, of which 7 policemen. 8 anarchists will be condemned and executed. In 1889, the Socialist International Movement met in Paris and declared this day international workers' day . The Soviets will follow suit, just as the Nazis. In France, under the Vichy regime (1940-1944), the celebration is renamed Labour Day . a bomb launched against them, the police shoots again. 12 dead, of which 7 policemen. 8 anarchists will be condemned and executed. In 1889, the Socialist International Movement met in Paris and declared this day "international workers' day". The Soviets will follow suit, just as the Nazis.In France, under the Vichy regime (1940-1944), the celebration is renamed "Labour Day".

    Babalar günü

    Perşembe 9 mayıs, 2024
    Kartpostal/Çiçekle :


    Perşembe 9 mayıs, 2024
    Katolik veya protestan : Yükseliş, her zaman perşembe günüdür, Paskalya'dan sonra kırk gün kutlanılır. Isa tekrar hayata dönüp, müritlerine bir kaç kez göründükten sonra, onları toplar ve vaftiz etme ve eğitim verme emirlerini verir. Ondan sonra yükselir ve Allah Babasının yanına

    Anneler günü

    Pazar 12 mayıs, 2024
    Kartpostal/Çiçekle : Mother’s day has evolved in many countries in different ways. This is because mother’s day has different origins in different countries and therefore occurs on different days in the year. One school of thought claims that this day emerged from the custom of mother worship in ancient Greece. Mother worship which kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of gods, and Rhea, the wife of Cronus, was held on March 15 to March 18 around Asia Minor. They insist that this custom spread around the world. Mothering Sunday is the celebration of motherhood in the United Kingdom. It is also known as Mid-lent Sunday, Rose Sunday and Laetare Sunday. It originally comes from the Victorian practice of allowing servants to return home to visit their mothers on this day. In the United States, Julia Ward Howe (May 27, 1819 - October 17, 1910) was a prominent American abolitionist, social activist, and poet. Howe’s Battle Hymn of the Republic was first published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1862 and quickly became one of the most popular songs for the Union during the American Civil War. After the war she focused her activities on the causes of Pacifism and women’s suffrage. In 1870 she was the first to proclaim Mother’s Day, with her Mother’s Day Proclamation. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson approved Mother’s Day in 1914

    Pazartesi Pentikostu

    Pazartesi 20 mayıs, 2024
    Katolik veya protestan : Seven weeks after Easter Monday -Marking the day the Holy Spirit entered the disciples left behind and the beginning of their ministry.

    Bölgesel tatil

    Perşembe 30 mayıs, 2024
    Katolik veya protestan : Corpus Christi

    Corpus Christi (tıklayın)

    Perşembe 30 mayıs, 2024
    Kartpostal/Çiçekle : Makeshift altars are displayed on the previous day. Spectacular processions on the Corpus Christi day.

    European elections

    Pazar 9 haziran, 2024
    Olağanüstü etkinlikler :

    Varsayım günü (ilgili kantonları görmek için tıklayın)

    Perşembe 15 ağustos, 2024
    Kartpostal/Çiçekle :

    Hazret'in yıl dönümü - Eid-Milad Nnabi (bir g)

    Pazartesi 16 eylül, 2024
    Kartpostal/Çiçekle :

    Roş Aşanar

    Perşembe 3 ekim, 2024
    Kartpostal/Çiçekle : Jewish New Year

    Alman Birlik Günü

    Perşembe 3 ekim, 2024
    Laik tatil : Ne zaman 19. yüzyıl ortasında kökenli bir Birleşik Almanya'nın hedefi yerine tekrar 1990 Alman yeniden birleşmesi yıldönümü anısına.

    Thanksgiving (Şükran Günü)

    Pazar 6 ekim, 2024
    Kültür : Erntedankfest is a traditional harvest celebration marked by fireworks, parades, dancing and music, still celebrated in rural areas

    Yom Kipur (bankalar kapalıdır)

    Pazar 13 ekim, 2024
    Kartpostal/Çiçekle :

    Gün Işığından Faydalanma Saat Değişimi

    Pazar 27 ekim, 2024
    Olağanüstü etkinlikler : At 1:00 a.m. local times

    Ekim tatil günü (Halloween)

    Perşembe 31 ekim, 2024
    Kartpostal/Çiçekle : Halloween originated from a Celtic festival called Samhain, which was celebrated 2,000 years ago and revolved around lighting bonfires and wearing costumes to ward off spirits and fairies— yes, Halloween began because people truly believed that it was a time when dead spirits would rise again, and walk among them. Back then, costumes acted as protection, not just an excuse to show off your Pinterest skills. Not much is known about the ancient holiday since there are no written records, though per Encyclopedia Britannica, it was a time fraught with danger, charged with fear, and full of supernatural episodes.